Tuesday, November 30, 2010

EBRI Update: Savings Needed for Health Care in Retirement

The December 2010 EBRI Issue Brief updates original EBRI research on the savings needed for Medicare-eligible persons to pay for health care expenses in retirement.

Even though the new health reform law will reduce some health costs in retirement for many people, retirees will still need a significant amount of savings to cover their out-of-pocket health expenses when they retire, according to the new EBRI analysis. Women in particular will need more savings than men because they tend to live longer.

For instance, EBRI finds that men retiring in this year (2010) at age 65 will need anywhere from $65,000–$109,000 in savings to cover health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses in retirement if they want a 50–50 chance of being able to have enough money; to improve the odds to 90 percent, they’ll need between $124,000–$211,000.

Women retiring this year at 65 will need even more: between $88,000–$146,000 in savings if they are comfortable with a 50 percent chance of having enough money, and $143,000–$242,000 if they want a 90 percent chance.

These estimates are for Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older: Anyone retiring early, before age 65, would need even more.
The press release is online here.  The full report is online here.

Some media coverage of the report:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Latest EBRI/ICI 401(k) Database Update

The average 401(k) retirement account balance rose 31.9 percent in 2009, according to a report released today by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Investment Company Institute (ICI) analyzing a group of consistent participants. The rise in 2009 was in line with the 2003–2007 pattern of steady increase in account balances and in contrast to the 27.8 percent decline in 2008. 

The EBRI/ICI report, 401(k) Plan Asset Allocation, Account Balances, and Loan Activity in 2009, is based on the largest database of its kind, with records on 20.7 million participants at year-end 2009, including 4.3 million consistent participants—those who have had 401(k) accounts with the same 401(k) plan each year from year-end 2003 through year-end 2009. 

The full report is being published simultaneously by EBRI and ICI and is on their websites (EBRI's is here, ICI's is here). The joint press release is here. 

Some initial media coverage of the report:
* Bloomberg/ Business Week
* Reuters
* Minneapolis Star-Tribune
* Financial Planning
* PlanAdvisor 

    Friday, November 12, 2010

    EBRI in Newsweek Retirement Article

    The Nov. 11, 2010 Newsweek has a good article using EBRI data on "What You Should Know Before You Retire--Experts share some of the best ways to plan for retirement in a post-recession world." A link to the full article is online here.